God's economy is one of abundance. Even when the world whispers in our ear that we're surrounded and beset by scarcity, God reminds us that in the economy of grace there is always enough for everyone, and in giving our gifts are multiplied.

Because of your generous and faithful gifts, our church can keep doing what love requires of us by nurturing life-giving, joyful ministries both inside and outside our parish walls.

To help us plan our year, we are asking the congregation to estimate their giving for the coming year. We understand that "pledges" are sometimes daunting, so we're simply asking that you estimate what you think you'll be able to give for the coming year, knowing that sometimes circumstances change.

If you’ve never made a pledge before, we ask you to consider estimating what you think generosity would look like for you. For some, giving generously means $10 per month, for others the Biblical tithe of 10% of one’s income is too little.

We're growing at Greenland Hills, and we hope you'll grow with us.