"The aim of stewardship at Greenland Hills is to teach each generation the joy of intentional giving as an act of faith. We give money to sustain a sheltering place for spiritual healing, to affirm and strengthen the liberating work of the Gospel, and to seek justice in East Dallas and our Global Village."
We all have a money story, whether we recognize it or not. Perhaps we are living from a story of fear or shame. Or a story that the Church is dying and no longer relevant. Or a story that our actions won’t have an impact. Or a story that we don’t have enough.
Where might God be speaking a new narrative into the limited ones we have told ourselves? Throughout October, we’re invited to discover and tell “Our Money Story” in light of God’s money story of liberation and justice. This series encourages us to transform our stewardship practices into more full expressions of who we are and what we believe.
Money and possessions are one of the most common topics in Scripture, and Jesus talked about money more than faith and prayer. Our money story, therefore, is a spiritual story. Thinking about God’s money story should be liberating, inviting, and transformative.
Starting Sunday, October 1, our worship services will focus on the themes Remember, Release, Reimagine, and Restore. We’ll explore scripture stories that reveal God’s money story of liberation and wholeness. We’ll experience congregational stories about our money story, striking art and poetry, and beautiful liturgy. On the last Sunday, October 22, we’ll celebrate Consecration Sunday by offering our pledges for the next year in worship and online for God’s blessing and use.
Like everyone else, we feel the impact of rising costs. The prices of essential goods and services that churches rely on, such as utilities, maintenance, and staff salaries have risen. Additionally, advancements in technology have necessitated investments in modern audio-visual equipment and online communication tools to reach congregants in an increasingly digital age. This year reminds us that financial support, in the form of a pledge to Greenland Hills UMC, is vital to carry out the Church’s work. We use our financial resources to continue to be the body of Christ through our ministries, our witness, our service, and our care for one another.
Because of your generous and faithful gifts, our church can keep doing what love requires of us by nurturing life-giving, joyful ministries both inside and outside our parish walls.
To help us plan our year, we are asking the congregation to make a financial pledge. The Leadership Board has set our past year’s budget at $398,000. We are setting our 2024 Reach Goal at $450,000. With our Reach Goal, we’ll not only meet rising costs, but also update the 20-year-old sound and technology system for the Sanctuary, as well as deploy a Young Adult Ministry Coordinator and Communications Coordinator.
If you’ve never made a pledge before, we ask you to consider estimating what you think generosity would look like for you. For some, giving generously means $10 per month, for others the Biblical tithe of 10% of one’s income is too little.
To make your pledge, we encourage you to use our Fellowship One Online Pledge Card found via the QR code below or to return the printed form in the offering plate or in the preaddressed envelope.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss further making a financial pledge to Greenland Hills UMC, please don’t hesitate to get in touch Diane Mims (Board Chair, dianamims@sbcglobal.net) or Rev. Moore(geoffrey@greenlandhills.org; 214-826-2060, ext 103).
Your Leadership Board, Generosity & Development Team