We’re Excited to Announce our Intended Preschool Operator & Campus Partner

We are excited to announce Merit Children’s Academy as our intended new campus partner, and preschool operator. Pending state licensing and certificate of occupancy, Merit will utilize our preschool wing and a section of the first floor in the West Wing during the week. The church will maintain its access to these areas, and utilize Glory Be Hall for Sunday other gatherings. This partnership will help us focus on what we’re good at: building more relationships with area families. And it opens a significant and stable revenue stream for ministry that was intended but unrealized since we built Glory Be Hall.

We are thankful to our Preschool Next Steps Team which vetted proposals for preschool partners. Church members with early childhood education, insurance brokerage, and children’s ministry experience worked with Pastor Andrew Fiser and staff, incoming Pastor Geoffrey Moore, and the Leadership Board to find a the best possible education partner.

Merit Children’s Academy has additional campuses in Uptown and on the campus of our nearby friends First United Lutheran Church. Merit is working on the logistical matters to determine an opening date. For information on enrollment at Merit go to https://www.meritdallas.com.